key dates

Iowa Crop Insurance Calendar: Key Deadlines for Corn and Soybeans

Sales Closing Date (SCD) – A date by which an application for insurance coverage must be filed. The last date by which the insured may change insurance coverage for a crop year.

Iowa corn and soybeans Multi Peril Crop Insurance Sales Closing Date is March 15th.

Earliest Planting Date – The earliest date the insured may plant an insured agricultural commodity and qualify for a replanting payment if such payments are authorized by the insurance policy. If planted prior to this date, the crop is not eligible for a replanting payment, but is still insurable.

Iowa Earliest Planting Date for corn is April 10th, soybeans are April 15th.

Final Planting Date – The date by which the crop must initially be planted in order to be insured for the full production guarantee or amount of insurance per acre.

Note: Crops initially planted after this date are not insurable unless the insurance policy provides for coverage that extends beyond the planting date.

Iowa Final Planting Date May 31st for corn and June 15th for soybeans.

Replanting – Performing the cultural practices necessary to prepare the land to replace the seed or plants of the damaged or destroyed insured crop and then replacing the seed or plants of the same crop in the same insured acreage. The same crop does not necessarily mean the same type or variety of the crop unless different types or varieties constitute separate crops or it is otherwise specified in the policy.

Iowa Practical Replant (10 days after final planting date) is June 10 for corn, and June 25th for soybeans.

Late Planting Period – The period that begins the day after the final planting date for the insured crop and ends 25 days after the final planting date, unless otherwise specified in the insurance policy. For acreage planted during the late planting period, coverage is reduced according to the insurance policy provisions.

Iowa End of Late Planting Period for corn is June 25th, soybeans are July 10th.

Acreage Report – A report required by the crop insurance policy that contains, in addition to other required information, the insured’s share of all acreage of an insured crop in the county whether insurable, not insurable, or uninsured.

Iowa Acreage Reporting deadline is July 15th for both corn and soybeans.

Premium Billing Date – The earliest date upon which the insured will be billed for insurance coverage based on the acreage report. This is typically in August or September.

The deadline to elect, or make changes, to Margin Protection is September 30th.

The deadline to elect, or make changes, to Pasture, Rangeland and Forage is December 1st.

End of Insurance Period – The date upon which the insured’s crop insurance coverage ceases for the crop year.

Iowa End of Insurance Period is December 10th for both corn and soybeans.

Iowa Final Notice of Crop Damage Date (15 days after end of crop) if December 25th for both corn and soybeans.

Production Reporting Date (PRD) – The latest date production reports will be accepted for inclusion in the Actual Production History (APH) database used to calculate approved APH yields for the current crop year.

Iowa Production Reporting Date is April 29th for both corn and soybeans.

Happy farming!

To learn more about the insurance products available for farm risk management, reach out to Chelsea Heatherington at Kingsgate Insurance.

Chelsea Heatherington, Farm & Ag Specialist

Call or Text: 515-302-8400


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