Electric Vehicles Present New Insurance Challenges

Electric vehicles (EVs) continue to gain traction in the U.S.…

Premium Audit

Premium audit can be a frustrating and complicated process.…

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace

Slips, trips and falls have the potential to be a major cause…

Prevent roof collapses due to accumulated snow

The Metrodome roof collapse might be the most famous…

Tips for handling frozen pipes

Have you ever come home to the sound of running water or wet…

How Liability Coverage Protects Your Business

Business liability insurance protects your business (and you…

9 Surprising Habits of Safe Drivers

What makes safe drivers stay safe on the road? The obvious answer…

Preventing Job Site Theft

Although it is important for companies to trust their workers…

Cyber Security is Everybody’s Business

Join Scott Schober for a 1-hour deep dive into understanding…

Kingsgate Employees Attend Applied Net 2022

Last week we sent two team members, Ashlee Neumann and Kyla…