Entries by kingsgateinsur

Why Is the Personal Auto Market Deteriorating?

On Sept. 8, AM Best revised its market segment outlook for the U.S. personal auto insurance market from stable to negative. The outlook was based on a significant deterioration in carriers’ results for the second quarter of 2022, which was driven by inflationary pressures and corresponding challenges in rate adequacy. Personal auto is the largest line of insurance […]

Seven tips to prevent package theft

There are several key times each year when people spend time shopping in stores and online for the perfect gifts for their loved ones, or themselves. While it is easy to get caught up in the fun of it all, it is important to remember that with increased purchasing comes heightened risk of theft. Thieves on the prowl throughout […]

Consider SCO when deciding on ARC or PLC

Farmers can now elect to 2023 crop year Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs. The enrollment period opened on Oct. 17, 2022, and runs through March 15, 2023.  Contact your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office to learn more about these programs, eligibility, and how to apply. If you’re unsure of […]

4 Tips for Holiday Safety

The holiday season is a time to celebrate with friends and family, but the hectic pace can also make it a stressful time of year. The holidays can present increased risks, especially if you are on a quest for gifts. Overcrowded stores and an increase in online shopping offer greater opportunities for thieves to target […]

Online Identity Theft Prevention

Going online has become part of everyday life, whether it is for everyday activities such as shopping, sending email or paying bills, and managing your accounts. But data breaches, in all their forms, can potentially expose the personal information that we share online, putting consumers at risk of identity theft. According to the 2017 Travelers Consumer […]

Crop Insurance and Cover Cropping

Content written by Chelsea Heatheringtong, Kingsgate Insurance Farm & AG Specialist. Insurance Perspective on Cover Cropping: What current discounts are available for cover crop use? Crop insurance premium support is a benefit available to qualifying cover crops. During the 2022 crop year the premium support was $5 per acre. In September Mike Naig, the Iowa […]

How Liability Coverage Protects Your Business

Business liability insurance protects your business (and you personally) against formal lawsuits or third-party claims. This type of insurance will also cover any legal expenses related to your legal defense. For example, business liability insurance protects your company’s assets if: Someone gets hurt on company property You or someone you employ causes property damage or […]

Tips to make sure your bird is fully cooked

The pressure is on for cooks of a Thanksgiving feast. Guests might overlook the poorly executed sweet potatoes. They might even hold off on panning the over-seasoned, soggy stuffing.  But, cook the turkey wrong and your dinner table will deflate faster than the Snoopy balloon after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. However, with some careful […]

Farm Fire Safety

Are you prepared to fight a fire? It’s no secret that the entire state of Iowa suffered abnormally dry conditions this year. A drought-stricken environment adds fuel to the fire if your equipment gets hot. Kingsgate Insurance teamed up with Iowa Fire Control to cover the basics of fire safety on the farm. Learn more […]