Entries by kingsgateinsur

What is gap insurance?

Protect yourself financially when you owe money on a depreciated vehicle How gap insurance works When you buy or lease a new car or truck, the vehicle starts to depreciate in value the moment it leaves the car lot. In fact, most cars lose 20 percent of their value within a year. Standard auto insurance policies cover the […]

Ways to improve your gas mileage this winter

Winter weather can cause many challenges. Snow and ice can make driving difficult. Extremely cold temperatures can make it dangerous to be outside. In fact, cold temperatures also reduce our cars’ fuel economy. This table shows what happens to our fuel economy during the winter months. Car Type Winter Fuel Economy Conventional Gasoline 15% less […]

How Hoarding Can Affect Home Insurance

Millions of Americans—as many as 1 in 40—have hoarding tendencies, and it is even more prevalent among older people. Hoarding is different than collecting because hoarders pursue items with little value. Hoarders also have difficulty getting rid of any items. A hoarder’s house is more than just cluttered: it is overflowing with piles of stuff […]

4 Common Fire Hazards in Every House

According to the National Fire Protection Association, local fire departments responded to 1.35 million fires in 2021. And unfortunately, these fires cause upwards of $16 billion in damages annually. The good news is that many of these fires can be prevented by simply being aware of fire hazards around your home or apartment. Are you […]

OSHA’s Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards in Fiscal Year 2022

Each fiscal year, OSHA keeps records on the most frequently cited standards stemming from worksite inspections. The latest records outline the top 10 standards cited during fiscal year 2022 (Oct. 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2022) and the total number of violations for each standard. By reviewing these findings, employers can better understand common worksite […]

Auto Insights – Non-Owner Auto Liability

No Car? You Can Still Get Auto Insurance If you don’t own a car but often borrow one from a friend or use a car-sharing service, non-owner liability insurance may be the solution to your insurance needs. This insurance covers you for damage that you may cause to someone else’s car and liability for injuries […]

Seven healthy habits to teach your children

Children are both sponges and mirrors. They soak up and reflect what they see and hear. And this is particularly true when it comes to emulating the behaviors of their caregivers. Indeed, parents aren’t only a child’s first teachers, but they’re also a child’s most important role models. So, if you want to instill healthy […]

7 Home Projects for the Winter

It is the dead of winter, and you are stuck indoors. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait until it gets warm to tackle a home improvement project! You may be wondering what kind of home improvement projects you can accomplish. With a little motivation, there are actually several indoor projects that could enhance any room. […]